Your Dollars, Our Sense: Practical Financial Advice During the Coronavirus Crisis

Our guest Kelly DiGonzini CFP®, MST, with Beacon Pointe Advisors will help us decode the complexity of the CARES Act and provide practical guidance for those:

  • Who are concerned about the stock market

  • Who may be out of a job right now

  • Small business owners and independent contractors whose businesses have been impacted

In this webinar we will provide you with useful information that will help you take action today and impact your results tomorrow.

Kelly touched upon some key financial considerations for individuals, families and business owners that have stemmed from the recent CARES Act. For those who would like to read through a full summary of the financial relief options the legislative piece provides to individuals and businesses, please click here

In addition to our breakdown of the CARES Act, Beacon Pointe has also recently released a list of opportunistic financial planning actions to think about during this time of market volatility, which you can find here.  With some extra time at home, for anyone looking to brush up on their personal wealth management skills and to-do checklist to give your financial health a boost, you can get a copy of Your Dollars, Our Sense: A Fun & Simply Guide to Money Matters on Amazon.

As always, you and your family’s safety and well-being remain our number one priority. We understand these are unprecedented times, but rest assured our team is by your side and ready to help in any way we can. Thank you again for the confidence you have placed in us as your real estate advisor.

Watch the Replay Below.

About the Speaker

Kelly DiGonzini, CFP, MST at Beacon Pointe Advisors 1.jpg

Kelly is responsible for helping the firm’s private clients determine and meet their financial and estate planning goals. Prior to joining Beacon Pointe Advisors, Kelly spent four years doing financial planning at MetLife for individuals and small business owners. She graduated from Gonzaga University School of Business with a concentration in Business Law, and earned her Master of Science in Taxation (MST) degree from William Howard Taft University focusing on the taxation of partnerships, estate taxation and planning, income taxation of estates and trusts, tax aspects of charitable giving and the taxation of real estate. Kelly received her Personal Financial Planning certification from the University of California Irvine, and is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. 

Kelly is very passionate about financial education. She is a founding member of the Beacon Pointe Women’s Advisory Institute and co-authored Your Dollars, Our Sense: A Fun and Simple Guide to Money Matters, an international best-selling book that has ranked #1 in six different business/finance categories. Kelly’s writing about various tax and financial planning topics has appeared in multiple publications including CNBC, Martha Stewart Weddings, Worth Magazine, Financial Planning Association, MainStreet!, and Financial Advisor IQ. She is a member of the Financial Planning Association of Orange County and volunteers for WomenSage. Kelly spends her free time chasing her toddler daughter and resides with her husband in South Orange County, California.


Beacon Pointe

24 Corporate Plaza Drive Suite 150

Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: (949) 718-1607 |



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