4 Tips to Get Your Home For Open Houses

So you’ve decided to list your home for sale, whether it's because you got a new job and are moving to a new state or city. Or because you are moving into a new home. We’ve put together a list of a few things to get your home ready open houses. First impressions are key and you want your home to look it’s best for its future buyer.

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Focus on the Important Rooms - When staging your home focus on the rooms that you want to shine. This mainly would be the living room, kitchen and master bedroom. Put in a little extra effort in these rooms, because these are the most important rooms someone wanting to buy looks at. You can hire someone to help stage it, that doesn't necessarily  mean furniture. A stager can come in and help and simply provide accessories and help arrange the room that is most flattering.


Keep it Neutral - You may love a lot of color but the people coming in to look at your home might not. It could be a distraction. You want your house to look like a fresh canvas so that they can visualize their things in there. So paint those walls a white neutral, get some neutral color bedding, and put away anything that just screams color. Now a touch of color is nice, but on a scale of 1 - 10. 10 being color everywhere, and 1 being hospital sterile, be around a 3 or 4 with the color. 

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Focus on Fresh - Add some plants it makes the house feel fresh and clean. Keep it simple though and don’t go crazy. But a simple house plant or an orchid is a really nice touch. Especially on the kitchen counter, bathroom counter or in the bedroom. Here is a list of simple plants that are affordable and you can probably find our Lowe’s or Home Depot. I recommend potting it in a white pot of some kind, remember my thought about Keep it Neutral. 

  • Snake Plant

  • Chinese Evergreen

  • Aloe Vera

  • Peace Lily

  • Orchid

  • Succulents

  • Zebra Plant

  • Rubber Plant

  • Birds Nest Fern


Remove Personal Items - We encourage you to remove all personal items from view. What I mean by this is photos and other things that are you. Remember you want the house to look like a blank canvas to the potential home buyers. You are going to need to pack them up anyway, why not get a head start on it.

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5315 Overdale Dr, Los Angeles


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