4 Tips To Have Curb Appeal

They say never to judge a book by its cover, but guess what we are human and we do. This stands more true when it comes to home shopping. Buyers will judge your house from the outside right away and that will determine if they want to go inside and see the rest. So it’s best to put your best foot forward. Here are some tips to give your home that extra curb appeal.

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Mow Your Lawn - It’s simple but it’s true. By consistently mowing your lawn it shows that you care about your home. That translates into the thought process of, “if they pay attention to the upkeep on the outside, they must take care of the inside with the same amount of detail.” So mow your lawn and make it look good.


Wash Your Windows - Washing your windows makes such a difference. It helps make the whole house look good. You can either rent a power washer or hire someone to do it for you. If you are going that far, powerwash the whole front side of the house and make it sparkle real nice.

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Fix and Fences, Gates, Etc. - You might as well take care of this now because they will for sure ask for it once the repairs come around so just get it out of the way early. It goes back to what I said about if it looks like you take care of the outside they will think you take good care of the inside as well.


Add Color with Blooming Flowers - When you add simple flowers that are blooming and a touch of color it helps the house look homey and inviting. That little bit of color helps stand out against the green of the lawn and whatever neutral color your home is. I’m not talking about going crazy and doing a whole new landscape. I’m talking about going to Lowes or Home Depot and grabbing some flowers and planting a few in the flower beds to perk them up a bit. It’s a nice touch.

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